Killing Lice on your kids and at Home

Killing Lice on your kids and at Home is not always an easy task. The most important part of removing head lice at home is to treat all the infested ones with a head lice treatment.

LCA San Diego Treatments

LCA San Diego offer ours signature  along with a careful combing and cleanup that will result in successful lice removal.LCA San Diego has a variety of science-based, non-toxic treatments – products and services – adaptable to any budget. We strive to provide easy and simple to use product so you can be the hero of the day. In the same way, our services are tailored to offer safe, easy and quick treatments that are extremely effective.

Treating the home

Cleaning up after head lice seems like a big job but it’s necessary to kill head lice in your home.

  • Wash all bedding and clothing that infested person has been in contact with in hot water. After washing run all items in the drier at the hottest temperature setting for 30 minutes.
  • Place stuffed animals and pillows which cannot be cleaned in a tightly sealed plastic bag for 48 hours.
  • Boil all hair care items combs, brushes; hair clips to kill any lice or eggs, or place them in a bag for 48 hours.
  • Vacuum your home thoroughly, especially any fabric surfaces
  • Using bug bombs or pesticides in closed areas of your home is not recommended

An important part of keeping lice away is telling your friends and relative so that everyone has the opportunity to kill those pesky bugger and not reinfest anyone else. We are aware admitting to have head lice may be shameful but we are here to help! We believe education is the key for everyone to understand that lice happens for everyone, regardless of race, economic background or type of hair. Life happens, lice happens too.



Create an Emergency Lice Kit

Create an Emergency Lice Kit

Head lice is such a common thing these days with millions of people being affected with head lice every year. Sometimes it becomes inevitable that you or your child will come into contact with someone who has head lice. It seems that at least once a week most schools are sending a letter home indicating that someone in the classroom has been confirmed to have head lice. Nowadays the burden to screen children is on the parents, to determine if they too have lice. If you know that you or your child has been around someone who has lice what should you do?

What’s in your emergency kit?

When you receive a note home or a call from a fellow parent indicating that their child has lice there are a few steps you should take to make sure your child doesn’t get lice as well. The first thing to do is to check your child. Using a nit comb will make this job a lot easier! just by running the comb through your child’s hair you will be able to see if you pull out any nits or a louse. If after you have checked you don’t see any then its time to turn into prevention mode.

What products should you use or repel lice?

There are many misconceptions as to what will actually prevent you from getting lice, however, LCA San Diego offers a system that will protect you and your child.

Step one is to use the shampoo and after following the directions on the bottle towel dry your child’s hair.

Step two is to apply the preventative spray after styling your hair so that the smell would repel head lice.

Step three is to apply the topical rinse once a week which will need to be left on the hair for 20 minutes.

This three step process will drastically reduce your child’s likelihood of contracting lice. To know more about our products click here.


How to help your child overcome bullying

How to help your child overcome bullying

Bullying is something that a lot of children endure in school or on the playground and something that can be a cause of this is head lice. Millions of children and their families have been affected by lice but even so people feel embarrassed or worried when they discover that they have lice. Lice can be a hard thing to explain but its important to tell your children that its completely normal to be affected by lice and that most likely their friends have had it before as well.

How common is Lice?

Any estimated 10 million people a year get lice most of whom are children. It’s important to tell your child that they probably got lice from someone else which means they are not alone and they are not the source of it. 90% of cases are contracted by head to head contact or close contact from another person. Lice is easily transferable and is highly contagious so if you do have lice its important to get it treated right away.

Information is key to understand head lice and normalize it so that together we can break the stigma of head lice and have it not be a cause of bullying. What should you know?

How to treat it?

The majority of lice these days have become resistant to the over the counter treatments and with the over the counter treatments you have to do it multiple times and spend hours combing out every tiny nit or egg out of the hair.

When you are affected with lice we are here to help you at LCA San Diego our treatment is non-toxic and has no pesticides making it completely safe for your family. Even better it is 99% effective with a one time treatment we will eradicate the lice.

How do lice spread?

Mostly through head to head contact. It can also be present in fabrics (clothing, furniture, etc) or on hair accessories. Make sure you catch infestations right away and take care of your environment as much as your child”s hair.

Lice clinics of America has information on cleaning your surroundings to achieve best results!

What are some healthy and easy snack ideas for kids?

What are some healthy and easy snack ideas for kids?

Life can get so busy with soccer practice, homework, games on the weekends and let’s not forget karate and basketball. It can be so hard to feed your kids healthy snacks especially when you are always on the go. We know how hard it can be especially if your kids are picky eaters and don’t want to eat carrots or celery sticks. Let us give you some fun and easy ideas to make your snacks something your kids can’t resist.

Let’s start with snacks for the day time.

Slicing an apple to create mini apple pizzas are great because the kids can put peanut butter or apple sauce on them and top these apple pizza’s with granola or other types of fruit. Ritz crackers or Triskets are a great start to any snack time. You can easily add some cream cheese or jam to these crackers to spice things up a bit. You can also use an artichoke dip or a cheese dip to help add some extra flavor to this bite size treats. Carrots are something we wish all of our kids would eat but without all of the extra sauces they like to use but if you slice whole carrots into chips and bake them, add a little salt and you have a healthy alternative to your regular potato chips.


Dessert here we come.

All children love dessert and always ask for that scoop of ice-cream or brownie after their dinner, but what if there was a way to make a tasty dessert but just a bit healthier. A banana boat is a wonderful way to start off, slice a banana long way and put some chocolate or some marshmallows in the middle. Maybe your kids like something cold in their tummies well try some frozen yogurt. Pull out some ice trays and fill them with yogurt and add some fruit in the middle maybe a blueberry or strawberry.

When your child has lice, who do you tell?

When your child has lice, who do you tell?

We know it can be an overwhelming feeling to find out that your child has lice, along with the uncertainty of how to treat it or how to clean your house. Luckily, LCA San Diego is here to help with treatment and follow up instructions for your home. You can come into one of our clinics with lice and leave in an hour, happy and lice free. But even though we are here to help treat you and your family with lice it can still be difficult to clean your house, car and furthermore, decide who to tell or not.

When your child has lice many people wonder where they got it or who gave it to them? It can be extremely difficult to ascertain who gave your child lice however you can do a few things to make sure no one else is affected by your child.

Lice sometimes can be thought of as embarrassing or have negative connotations. It can be perceived as if your child is unclean, however this conclusion is not true. Lice is just as common as the flu or the common cold; and millions of families are affected by this every year. To help do your part to keep the lice from spreading, we would recommend that you contact all of your children’s close friends especially if they have had any sleep overs recently or borrowed any of their friends clothes.

Additionally, any sports where they might share a helmet or a hat or after school activities that might involve close contact with other children. It can be hard to make this call but think if your child’s friend had lice you would want to know so you can check your child. We recommend that you call your child’s school, family friends or anyone else that may have been in close contact with your child.

Normalizing head lice is a job that we need help with and you along with our community are key to help us out. At LCA San Diego we have friendly staff that is here to help you understand head lice, treat it and more importantly, not make you feel ashamed for it!

Behavioral problems may be linked to chemical lice treatments

Behavioral problems may be linked to chemical lice treatments. Does your child suffer from behavioral problems? It may be linked to Lice Treatments.

Behavioral Problems

Behavioral problems are something so many children and parents struggle with today, whether its getting that call from school that their child has been acting up in class or having their child be singled out because of their excessive talking in after school activities. Childhood is such a difficult time and something that might be making it harder for you child are the Lice treatments you may have been using on them. Chemicals that are found in many of the Lice products and common pesticides have been found to cause behavioral problems in your child’s life.

Chemicals in Lice Treatments

Pyrethroids which are a synthetic chemicals found in many pesticides and Lice removal treatments have been linked to causing social problems in children developing by age six. This is especially true with pregnant women who are exposed to this chemical which is most commonly used in crop insecticides but also utilized in treatment of lice and scabies in humans as well as some mosquito repellents.

These chemicals work by damaging the nerves of the insects however researchers suspect that this actions may also be affecting the development of a child’s brain. Scientists found that after testing thousands of pregnant women who were exposed to Pyrethroid when they returned to examine their children they found that approximately 10% of these children suffered from “internalizing” behaviors which include fearfulness and social withdrawal as well as bullying.

These dangerous and harmful chemicals are affecting the neurochemical signaling in the brain which is why LCA San Diego uses a more natural approach. Our medical device is FDA cleared and uses a machine to blow heated air, followed by a full rinse and topical rinse application our full treatment is completely non-toxic and has no pesticides. We highly recommend everyone to look at the ingredients prior to purchase of anything that has the potential to harm either you or your child. If you have questions or doubts you can rely on LCA San Diego to help you with any lice related problem, we are here to help!

Extra Curriculars and Head Lice

Extra Curriculars and Head Lice

Attending an Extra Curriculars and Head Lice may be intertwined. How so? The easiest way to get head lice is through head to head contact. The more exposure to other children with head lice, the easiest it will be to get them. How to avoid getting head lice but still do extra curricular? Easy, follow this simple tips:

What sports should I be worried about?

As head lice spread mostly from head to head any sports that have any type of contact – football, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, dance – are sports that need to be following those tips on head lice prevention.

Tips to prevent Head Lice in Extra Curricular Activities

  1. Remember to have your hair up on a braided pony tale or a bun – it’s not only going to prevent you from possible head lice infestations but also help you play your favorite sport much easier.
  2. Avoid sharing combs, brushes and hats.
  3. If you play football or horse ride and you share hats, clean them with a little wipe before placing it in your head.
  4. Always have a spare hair tie in your backpack in case you need it when you play sports.
  5. Avoid sharing jackets or clothing with your peers
  6. Avoid unnecessary head to head contact, be mindful of selfies!


When talking about head lice we all start itching our heads and become a little paranoid about it. Being informed and aware of the subject is all you need to do your best at keeping clear of head lice. We don’t want to limit our children’s life by not allowing them to interact with others, by just simply following those tips you have already reduced your potential exposure to head lice. Share this with others so that together we can eliminate head lice infestations!



Things you did not know about Head Lice

Things you did not know about Head Lice

At our office we see hundreds of families and children every month and we always find things you did not know about head lice. If you are fortunate enough to not have had lice until now you may find this article very interesting! For those who have been dealing with it a few times already, you may learn something new 🙂

Lice don’t fly

Head lice don’t fly or jump. Just being in the same room of someone infested is not enough for you to get lice. Head lice crawl, really fast, and the easiest way of getting them is through head to head contact.

A female louse once pregnant can lay eggs for the rest of her life.

Once a female louse has mated and has become pregnant, she can lay eggs for the rest of her life. That explains why sometimes we see heads with multiple eggs and very few – or even none – bugs. The life cycle of lice is around 31 dies from the moment they hatch from the egg to the moment they die. After an egg is laid, it takes about 7-10 days for it to hatch and become a nymph, commonly referred as “baby lice”. A nymph will take in turn 7-19 days to become an adult who can at that time, mate and lay more eggs. Female lice lay around 10 eggs a day.

Adults can also get head lice

Although we see head lice infestations usually in children, adults can also get head lice. Not only from children around them but from other adults, furniture, planes, shared fabrics, etc.

Eggs cannot infest you once pulled out of the hair

Once an egg has been pulled out of the hair it loses it’s source of nutrients and it’s way of living, therefore dying. We have to be aware of adult louse and nymphs, those are the ones that can actually infest our heads when we are close to someone with head lice. Especially when performing in home treatments on your children, be aware of cross-infestations and protect yourself.

At LCA San Diego we strive to give you all the information you need to kill head lice and know all about it! Ask us more: 858.249.8337.

Head Lice Experts

Head Lice Experts are difficult to find. Nowadays we all resource to internet to find out more information about any topics, but some websites can be misleading and the content may not be accurate. Did you know there are companies that research Head Lice and its treatments? Those Companies and their affiliates are the real Head Lice Experts.

Head Lice Experts – Companies

In order to deal with any problem in our lives we need to understand what is it that is bugging us and how can we find a way to resolve our problem or find a solution. Head Lice has been around since ancient times and has become a nuisance, or a problem for our families, our schools and our communities. At LCA San Diego we have a scientific company that vouches for our products, our research and all the information you need to have on Head Lice.

You need Head Lice Experts

When you or your family comes in contact with Head Lice, you need an expert. You need an expert to give you information on how head lice works, how can you get head lice, how can you treat head lice and how can you be more efficient at preventing head lice. We know humans are a curious kind. Experts are here to answer all the questions you have, with easy answers that are based on scientific research and solutions that are specifically designed with your well being in mind.

LCA San Diego – the Head Lice Experts

At Lice Clinic of America San Diego we provide expert information readily available to you. All our operators have been trained to answer all your questions diligently and with scientific research behind. From the products and our medical device to the facts about lice, everything has been tested and proven to work effectively against head lice. If you want a reliable source of information and an effective way to kill head lice, call LCA San Diego, we are here to HELP YOU.

Kill Head Lice at Home

Is it possible to remove Head Lice at home by yourself? YES! It’s more time consuming and it requires to be organized and meticulous but it is possible.

How to kill head lice at Home

The products to kill head lice

The most important thing is finding the right products. In our opinion, we should stay away from chemicals and pesticides. They are not only bad for our health and our environment but lately it has been proven that they are not always the most effective. The same applies for completely natural products such as mayonnaise or olive oil. Although those products may have worked in the past, head lice have become stronger and resilient to over the counter. There are specifically formulated natural products for head lice removal.

Combing out the nits to kill head lice

Once we have the product we need to know that it’s objective is to kill alive head lice, not their nits (lice eggs). The only solution for the nits is combing, over and over again. The best strategy to follow is to section the hair is six parts and comb each section separating in different layers from bottom to top. This can take 1-2hrs with medium to long hair.

Lice Cycle

Once we have applied product and combed out, we need to familiarize ourselves with the lice cycle. Eggs that are newly laid will hatch in 7-10days and become nymphs -baby lice-. After 7-10 days those nymphs will become adults who will mate and lay more eggs. Knowing this, it’ important we keep combing to eliminate eggs that are left behind on our first comb through. In addition, we repeat the application of the product after ten days to ensure any nymphs die in the process.

Head Lice Life Cycle

Head Lice Life Cycle – Kill Head Lice

Being careful, mindful and thorough is the key to success. At LCA San Diego we have the products that will help you kill head lice: products to kill them, aid you in the comb out process, lice combs and preventative products. All in one stop at one of our shops conveniently located in Clairemont or Encinitas. Stop by and we’ll help you find what works best for you.

You can always count on our professional lice removal services if the process becomes too overwhelming or time consuming. We offer a one hour treatment using our medical device – FDA cleared – that kills lice and nits through dehydration. Kill head lice in a easy and safe way! Find out more.