Dealing with head lice is stressful and frightening for the entire family. They can easily move from one head to another, gradually infesting all family members. The worst is that the OTC products available in the market don’t deliver as promised. In fact, no OTC product can kill lice and nits completely.
No pesticides or herbal lice remedies can penetrate the lice eggshell; hence, even if you kill the lice through manual combing, the eggs will still be there. Soon they will hatch, and the infestation will continue. But don’t worry! When DIY solutions don’t work, it’s best to schedule a service with us.
We are specialists in head lice removal. At LCA San Diego, we offer the best and most proven head lice removal services by experienced and trained professionals. Our goal is to help clients get rid of lice, super lice, and nits in a single treatment. Take a look at our services. We start with head screening to confirm the presence of infestation and recommend the best solution accordingly.
Promotion: Family Discount! After first two Full Air Treatments additional treatments are only $160 each. (Express Treatment does not qualify)
30-Day Window: Since we know how contagious lice can be amongst peers, if the unthinkable happens after we have treated your child and they contract a new case within 30 days, we will treat them for HALF the price! ($105)