LCA San Diego kills Super Lice
Super Lice have become a trendy topic in the past weeks. A recent paper presented at the American Chemical’s Society in Boston noted that lice have become resilient to most over the counter agents and thus becoming harder to kill and, most times, a nightmare for moms. Many media around San Diego have been talking about Super Lice and how to treat them. The Union Tribune San Diego highlights LCA San Diego as the solution for Super Lice.
At LCA San Diego we can handle Super Lice. We use our FDA cleared꙳ medical Device, ,that dehydrates lice & nits (eggs) in just one treatment. Our best seller treatment, uses the device to dehydrate all the lice and eggs. then our professionally trained technicians will comb-out any dead debris and finally apply a rinse. Our full treatment comes with a policy* for 30-days and takes just about an hour!