Extra Curriculars and Head Lice
Extra Curriculars and Head Lice
Attending an Extra Curriculars and Head Lice may be intertwined. How so? The easiest way to get head lice is through head to head contact. The more exposure to other children with head lice, the easiest it will be to get them. How to avoid getting head lice but still do extra curricular? Easy, follow this simple tips:
What sports should I be worried about?
As head lice spread mostly from head to head any sports that have any type of contact – football, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, dance – are sports that need to be following those tips on head lice prevention.
Tips to prevent Head Lice in Extra Curricular Activities
- Remember to have your hair up on a braided pony tale or a bun – it’s not only going to prevent you from possible head lice infestations but also help you play your favorite sport much easier.
- Avoid sharing combs, brushes and hats.
- If you play football or horse ride and you share hats, clean them with a little wipe before placing it in your head.
- Always have a spare hair tie in your backpack in case you need it when you play sports.
- Avoid sharing jackets or clothing with your peers
- Avoid unnecessary head to head contact, be mindful of selfies!
When talking about head lice we all start itching our heads and become a little paranoid about it. Being informed and aware of the subject is all you need to do your best at keeping clear of head lice. We don’t want to limit our children’s life by not allowing them to interact with others, by just simply following those tips you have already reduced your potential exposure to head lice. Share this with others so that together we can eliminate head lice infestations!