Head Lice Can Happen While Your Social Distancing
Head Lice can happen while your social distancing right at home where you least expect it.
Direct head to head contact is almost inevitable, so we can help you be on the lookout for lice. It is recommended that at the start of a possible lice ordeal, that you screen each member of your household for head lice. Although you cannot catch an egg from another person, head lice are often spread by head to head contact with someone who has bugs present. This can happen when reading books with one another, playing, binge- watching netflix with your kiddos or even a simple hug. With these activities there is definitely a chance that head lice could be passed around your family. Helping with homework, hugs, using the same towel, sharing a brush or laying your heads together are a few scenarios parents will most likely find themselves in during the upcoming weeks with their children where head lice can be passed from one to the other.
Check Your Children First
Head lice most often occur in children between the ages of 3-10 because of their involvement with other children. While that is a true statement, we are seeing an increase of tweens and teens with head lice as well in the recent years. While your kids are coming home from school for long periods of time, first double-check that they are not showing symptoms of head lice. This will help a lot and help you stay on top of an infestation before it has the chance to spread to the household members.
What to look for
The easiest way to find lice is knowing what to look for. The adult head lice tend to run away quickly from light and can weave in and out of hair strands to avoid being found. It is recommended that you use a nitpicking comb to sift through hair strands. Get a white paper towel and a bowl of clean water. Comb along the scalp from front of the hair line to the nape of the neck. After each section, wipe it onto the paper towel and examine your finding. Everytime you wipe it onto the paper towel, clean it off in the bowl of water between sections. Adult head lice are sesame seed-sized insects and brown in color.
Lice eggs referred to as “Nits” are a clear indication that you have head lice. Transparent or tan in color, lice eggs are glued to the base of hair strands by the mother louse. She uses a glue-like secretion to stabilize her eggs to your hair strands, preventing them from flaking off easy like you dandruff would. On an average, the female only mates once in her life and is able to lay eggs until she dies. The female louse lays anywhere from 7-10 eggs a day, which can add up quickly if left untreated.
After a few weeks of head lice living on the scalp, the itching will most likely start to happen. Irritated red bumps and a small rash will most likely be present. Night time is the active period for head lice, so many children also have trouble sleeping because of the feeling of head lice crawling through their hair and itching.
Let Us Help If You Have Lice!
We have the most effective treatment that is performed in as little as one hour. Zero follow up appointments or procedures, which really will keep your life stress free like you deserve. During these uncertain times, the last thing you need is additional worries. Our ‘ Treatment is a Medical Heated Air Device that is FDA Cleared and kills over 99% of all stages of lice in one treatment. Whether you are needing our signature “” Treatment or cautious head checks, we have you covered! Give us a call at (619) 771-9988 to book your appointment any time!